Tuesday, April 29, 2008

NCSG Innovation 2008

Our 2008 group photo outside of the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno.

President's Award

The NCSG President's Award went to Past-President Steve Pietila of American Chimney & Masonry, Inc. in Oregon.

Don Leavitt Education Award

The Don Leavitt Education Award went to CSIA Instructor, Bob Priesing of Havelock's Chimney & Venting, Inc. in North Carolina.

Friendship Award

The NCSG Friendship Award went to Frank Dombrowski of Lebanon Valley Chimney Sweeps Inc. in PA in honor of his years spent translating for the Polish chimney sweeps at convention.

Inventice Awards - Presented by The Chimney Sweep News

Simpson Dura-Vent: PelletVent Pro for Biofuels

Honorable Mention: SaverSystem's Cold Weather CrownCoat

International Guests

We hosted international guests from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Poland, Scotland and United Kingdom.

The Staff's Biggest Little Contest

The winners of the staff contest...

Their prize... A pedicure!